This is my cat Lucky she is inside today because it was raining outside its so cold outside my sister is looking after me today boo its really boring here when she looks after me we only watch talervigen and that's pretty much it but when I was playing in the rain this morning I heared a cat meowing it was Lucky I diden't know how to get her inside because she's scared of my dog Athos he lives outside in his kennel Lucky lives outside but I made her a little house for her and sometimes when ever it rains only sometimes she goes in in it and curls up in a ball like in this photo wherv'e got anther cat called Hanky but he mostly stays at our neighbours house and only comes out at night and sometime well mostly Lucky goes over there aswell when i'm not there at home she goes over there on her own I love her so much. we found lucky in the big earthqack when I wasen't even born I was still in mummy's tummy when she was pregnent with me.