
Thursday, November 19, 2020

music lab

This week in reading we had to create a song about a story we had a book and we could choose a story from it. The story I choose was a foal is born this song is really cool it toke so long to choose it I hope you like it

Friday, August 28, 2020

Gods Creation

We have been learning about God's creation and that it is holy because God made it. I can look after Gods creation by: 
Not polluting the world. 
Not cutting down trees and not using natural gases, coal and smoking.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

PE Video

 Here is my video for PE with my buddy Tom. Enjoy listening. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


MY Favourite ANIMAL
My favourite animal is a Narwhal
because they are called the unicorns of the sea.
The narwhals horns can grow up to 10 feet long.
The narwhals live in the Arctic waters in Canada, Greenland, Norway & Russia.
Most narwhals winter for up to 5 months under sea ice in the Baffin bay-Davis strait area.

Narwhals are one of the  endangered Animals because of the oil pollution and climate change.
Narwhals feed on Greenland Halibut Arctic & polar cod,squid & shrimp.They do their chomping on
at the Ice floe edge & in the ice-free summer waters.
Narwhals can  dive about a mile deep in the Ocean.The cracks in the ice lets them break it then they pop up when they need air. Narwhals change colour when they grow up newborns are blue & gray.  Juveniles are blue & black & adults are a mottled gray. Old narwhals are all white.Narwhals weigh up to 1.5 tonnes & adult males can be about 5 metres long.
They are great divers they can be under the water for more than 25 minute periods.
Narwhals. Seriously. | Narwhals! | Water animals, Ocean creatures ...
Narwhals, Unicorns of the Sea: When Myth Meets Reality - MagellanTV

Scientists suggest they have the answer to the mystery of the ...
if unicorns are not real... then what are narwhals - Philosoraptor ...In medieval Europe, narwhal tusks were believed to be the horns ...NARWHAL By: Ethan and Nick!. Introduction Did you know that ...Chasing After The Elusive Narwhal : NPR

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Woman finds out the real meaning behind the 'ANZAC Poppy'

Fern Soldiers.jpg (640×307) (With images) | Remembrance tattoos ...
I also made ANZAC biscuits with my mum they were sent to the soldiers because they didn't go bad in the travel.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Piranha boat

One day a little girl sitting in the water when  a big wave comes out to the deep dark blue sea. She goes under the deep dark blue see and see's a old piranha boat that still works so she decided to sleep in it form her long journey.The next day she found a stick floating past in the water and a piece  of rope in the bottom of the boat so she started fishing on top of the boat. She caught a snapper ,a King  fish, a trout , and a baby salmon, all at the same time. The snapper was for was for breakfast with some sea weed, The sea weed was for morning tea, the baby salmon was for lunch,for afternoon tea was the trout, and the king fish was for dinner.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Little Tigers big surprise

I choose this book called Little Tigers big surprise!!!!!. The author is Julie Sykes.illustrated by Tim Warnes
Little tiger isn't pleased when he learns is to have a new baby brother or sister.Little Tiger likes things the way they are. All his friends have baby brother and sisters and  he doesn't  like the look of them one bit.
They cry, dribble and are sick. Babies are horrible,'' says little Tiger.I don't want one.''
Can daddy change his mind.
I think what their saying in this story is its not bad having a brother  or sister. 
                                                                        THE END.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Magic Milk Science Experiment

Today I did a science experiment with my mum. If you would like to make it at home
 You will need

  • Milk
  • Dish washing liquid 
  • Food coloring 
  • Cotton buds
Don't do it with dark colours like black blue green or red & pink they are the same colour kind of.
Method Pour a thin layer of milk in a shallow pan.Add drops of food coloring all around in the milk. put the cotton buds in the dish-washing liquid.put the cotton bud in the milk.It looks like a malty coloured picture.
(This is not the one i made we didn't get a picture.)

Magic Milk Science Experiment - Planning Playtime

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Ice Cream Surprise

Last night I got a new job, it is selling ice cream.The people selling ice-cream told me they needed  a new flavour.I said mmm... maybe rainbow fluffallberry goody drop ice-cream.To make it you will need fluffallberries from the other side of the world and goody drops from the secret tower of magic. The rainbow is in the forest far far away. I have to remember to save some for myself. It looked so good I felt like I was going to die. At the end of the day I thought  there was none left but the people had saved some for me.  
Unicorn Rainbow Milkshake – Brownie Mischief

Monday, April 6, 2020

Scavenger Hunt

There will be photos at the bottom of the page of what I found.

Cat (Lucky)
Dog (Athos)
Gruffalo DVD
Killer Whale (My Toy)
Millie (My toy)
Onion and Owl
Queen playing card
Rudolph pen
Unicorn slippers
Vacuum cleaner
Water Bottle
X Marks the spot
Yellow Flower
Zebra Puzzle Piece

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Name: Allosaurus
Type: Theropods
Time Period: Jurassic 150 -155 million years ago
Height: 3 meters (10 feet) high                                                     
Length: 12 meters (40 feet) long 
Diet: Carnivorous 
Discovered: 1869 by Ferdinand Hayden  in western USA
Meaning: other lizard or strange lizard
Weight: 1-1.7 tonnes 

The fun facts I discovered was they had three fingers on their arms to help them rip apart meat.
They lived in North America and Portugal. 
Allosaurus had a large skull and walked on two legs.

I chose this dinosaur because its similar to a T Rex and  because another name for an Allosaurus is The Nightmare Dragon which I thought was really cool.

Allosaurus | Allosaurus facts | DK Find Out

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Lockdown in My House

On the 25th of March at 11.59 pm all of New Zealand went into lock down.  This means I have to be at home with my mum dad and my sister Monique for four weeks.  During this time in lock down I played a game with my family it is called Uno. I also helped my mum with her puzzle it ha a girl holding a dragon.My dad and my sister. I have started doing a unicorn picture for its hair and tail it is rainbow coloured and for the body is also rainbow aswell.  We have also been counting teddy bears when we were out walking.  We have also been having a look at the activities on the whanau tasks mum got emailed.  We have also been doing lots of baking aswell.

This is what the puzzle looks like so far.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.