
Wednesday, May 13, 2020


MY Favourite ANIMAL
My favourite animal is a Narwhal
because they are called the unicorns of the sea.
The narwhals horns can grow up to 10 feet long.
The narwhals live in the Arctic waters in Canada, Greenland, Norway & Russia.
Most narwhals winter for up to 5 months under sea ice in the Baffin bay-Davis strait area.

Narwhals are one of the  endangered Animals because of the oil pollution and climate change.
Narwhals feed on Greenland Halibut Arctic & polar cod,squid & shrimp.They do their chomping on
at the Ice floe edge & in the ice-free summer waters.
Narwhals can  dive about a mile deep in the Ocean.The cracks in the ice lets them break it then they pop up when they need air. Narwhals change colour when they grow up newborns are blue & gray.  Juveniles are blue & black & adults are a mottled gray. Old narwhals are all white.Narwhals weigh up to 1.5 tonnes & adult males can be about 5 metres long.
They are great divers they can be under the water for more than 25 minute periods.
Narwhals. Seriously. | Narwhals! | Water animals, Ocean creatures ...
Narwhals, Unicorns of the Sea: When Myth Meets Reality - MagellanTV

Scientists suggest they have the answer to the mystery of the ...
if unicorns are not real... then what are narwhals - Philosoraptor ...In medieval Europe, narwhal tusks were believed to be the horns ...NARWHAL By: Ethan and Nick!. Introduction Did you know that ...Chasing After The Elusive Narwhal : NPR


  1. Hi Tayla
    What fantastic photos you have found, what interesting facts of Narwhal's. I have definitely learnt something new today.
    Miss Gill.

  2. Hi Tayla

    I didn't know about them being endangered - how are they keeping them safe?

    I know you miss her, I think all of us teachers miss her too!

    Miss Gill.

  3. Hi Tayla,

    Your report on Narwhals is very informative. I didn't know that they were call ed the Unicorns of the sea, or that they change colour. Great interesting facts.
    What do the use their horns for? Is it just to break ice or can they get food with it too?

  4. they cant get food with it but I think they use it to defiend their self from polar bears.from tayla dry

  5. Really nice Tayla i really like that you made a Really awesome report about Narwhals! Did you know that the horns are teeth.

  6. i love your narwhals report


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